NHS Scrubs Sewing Funding update 14th April 2020

To date we have raised over £4000 to spend on fabric and materials. Our Facebook group has 1000 members of keen sewers and supporters. In total we have bought nearly 3 km of fabric (nearly 2 miles), 600m of tape and loads of thread with our fundraised money.

Our small team has cut fabric, packed and had delivered (by a fabulous team of volunteer couriers) fabric packs to 100+ sewers comprising 1.2km of fabric, 400m of tape, 100+ patterns. This is enough to sew 346 sets of scrubs!

We have a new 110 keen sewers awaiting their new fabric packs, offering to make a further 378 sets. Every time we get to about 100 orders of fabric packs we pause requests for fabric to give Sarah, Megan and Melissa time to work through these orders, cut the fabric, allocate sizes, get more materials, organise distribution and work through any potential problems. Once we have got through this lot we will open up orders again (it normally takes us 4-6 days). The form can be accessed here.

Ashford, Folkestone and Dover Scrubbers group currently have orders for 827 sets of scrubs, 614 face masks, 289 scrub hats, 304 wash bags. These orders for scrubs have been received from the following places: William Harvey Hospital, Ham Street Surgery, Buckland Hospital, Deal area 2, Pilgrims Hospice Ashford, KMPT SE Mental Health Team, Folkestone C19 Hot Hub, St James Surgery Dover, Cedar House Barham, Ashford PCT C19 Hot Hub, White Cliffs Med Center Dover and the Deal PCT C19 Hot Hub.

scrub sewing for william harvey hospital nhs kent

At present we have another 100 sets of scrubs that we need sewers and fabric for, to complete our scrubs orders as they stand today. We are asking you to share this message and donate to the go fund me page if you can. We need to raise a bit more money to make sure we can buy the fabric to get these orders completed. If you know any sewers please ask them to join our Facebook group and get involved.

Special thanks to all of those people who have donated money into the effort to sew scrubs for the NHS. We have been fortunate enough to have had 100 A0 sewing patterns donated by Cllr Dara Farrell to our cause, a big thank you for that. A mega thanks to those who are donating their time to sewing, delivering and collecting - every moment truly helps keep our key workers protected!

Made in Ashford (Craftship Enterprise CIC) are helping fund-raise for the project, manage the finances, buy fabric, help the distribution effort and keep you up to date with what is being done. Sarah (pictured at the top of the page) and Megan are working long days working out the logistics of what has grown into a large scale project and are now getting scrubs out to the orders from various NHS places. They are organising distributions, couriers, packing, coordinating collections, sorting the items, liaising directly with hospitals and care providers, managing risk assessments, answering email & messages from the sewers, speaking to the press, filling out spreadsheets (so many spreadsheets), sorting the donations and then getting them to the correct places! It exhausted me just typing it! They are amazing ladies. 

Danielle of Tinybeegle has created this printable colouring sheet for you to display in your window proudly as one of the local sewers in the Kent Scrubbers a group helping our NHS. Simply save to your device and print. The following colouring in sheets are also free prinatables provided by Made in Ashford. 

Thank you 

For any queries please email scrubs@madeinashford.com

Please donate here.

Volunteering for the NHS Kent Scrubbers sewing scrubs