Earth Day

It is Earth Day! Today we demonstrate support & bring awareness to environmental protection. We thought we would share some of the ways we try.
As an organisation we deeply care about our impact on the environment so we try really hard to find ways to look after our planet a bit better. In Made in Ashford it is our policy to not accept any new products in store wrapped in plastic packaging from any of the makers, we actively encourage no packaging at all where possible! We recycle bubble wrap from our own personal parcels to use in the shop. Most of our online orders will also be posted in packaging that has previously been used too. Our aim is to produce our own merch in The Craftship so we will reduce petrol miles & packaging this way too! Many of our makers use upcycled components or foraged materials with most folk use recyclable elements such as labelling.

Over in The Craftship we sell donated craft items helping others to purchase things for a second life and not taken to landfill. We like to share skills & run workshops that help folks live more sustainable lives like mending sessions. We also run lots of workshops where the materials are waste or donated elements to reduce our consumption & creation of rubbish. It is important to us to talk about how we can reduce our consumption & be more environmentally friendly within our community this has been a regular topic at many of our sessions to help learn together as a community.
There is always more we can do as individuals and as an organisation. It is always on our mind to make better choices for our planet!