Celebrate Pride and download our free colouring in sheet

It is pride month and we wanted to celebrate and support the LGBT+ community. Due to lockdown Pride 2020 celebrations have gone online so we thought we could add our contribution which of course is a colouring sheet that you can print, colour and display in your windows. We want to create a Pride procession of colour and love in windows throughout the country.
Pride London has many ways of getting involved via their You! Me! Us! We! Campaign, showing small but meaningful ways you can show you’re an ally to the LGBT+ community, stand up for each other and educate those around you about marginalised communities. From engaging in film, media and books to supporting LGBT+ businesses and performers and many other suggestions and activities to help come together as a community in solidarity with one another. Find out more on their website here.
Print our pride colouring sheet here.
Colouring sheet and image designed by Tinybeegle as part of the Craftship Enterprise CIC support of local designer/makers during lockdown project.